Birmingham Co-op Morrison-Electricar D1 30 cwt Milk Float

Date :
Chassis :
Morrison-Electricar D1 30 cwt
Birmingham Co-op
Original Operator :
Reg No :
ROA 127
Birmingham Co-operative Society purchased over 700 Morris-Electricars. Most were for the dairy department but BCS also offered deliveries of bread and a laundry service to your home. The bakery and laundry services were early victims of supermarket growth and many of the surviving vans were rebuilt into dairy trucks.
These Morrisons were tough and many were later modernised with new glass fibre cabs and bodies. By 1988 only a few remained with the old cabs and two were kindly selected for this museum. NVP 144 was chosen as it was originally a bakery van while ROA 127, which arrived with us in 1989, was remarkably original.
Restoration of ROA127 as a dairy truck, waited its turn in the restoration queue and was completed in 2013.