Volunteering opportunities
If you have interest in volunteering and can undertake any of the jobs below, please drop us an email to volunteer@wythall.org.uk with all the details and we'll be in touch

We need casual volunteers to assist in the cafe/kiosk. Saturdays/Sundays and Wednesdays (school holidays) 2 or 3 times a month. In the cafe you will be serving hot and cold drinks, sandwiches, chocolate and crisps etc. We also run a kiosk in our picnic area at busy times.
When: April - October, between 10.30am and 4pm (or later if busy). You can volunteer for one day a month or more depending on your free time.
Help to keep our museum looking spick and span!
When: All year round, Wednesdays and/or Fridays You can volunteer for one day a month or more depending on your free time.

Miniature Train
Volunteers wanted to help run and maintain the miniature train. Maybe even get the chance to drive!
Hall Guides during school holidays
Working on school holiday Wednesdays and Saturdays, your task is to show the visitors into certain designated vehicles and to guide them away from the more delicate exhibits!
When: April - October, Saturdays and Wednesdays between 10.30am and 4pm during School Holidays. You can volunteer for one day a month or more depending on your free time.
Guides for School and Group Visits
Help us to give a great experience to children and groups who visit the museum. Full training will be given.

Driving & Conducting
We currently have quite a few drivers, however if you have a current PCV licence and a valid driver CPC we can add you to our list. Conductors/Guards are also welcome, you just need to be friendly with the public and we'll show you what to do! All our drivers also contribute to the running of the museum in other volunteer ways. Note that we are unable to provide training for bus drivers.

Engineers & Working on Vehicles
If you are an experienced engineeer, mechanic or fitter, or have experience of bodywork restoration and you are capable of working unsupervised, then we'd love to hear from you. BUT, Please note we do not have the facility to train new volunteers in this specialist area.
Other Skills
Running the museum requires a lot of diverse skills, from cleaning and keeping the place tidy, right through to managing, marketing and fund raising. If you have any skills that you could use to help look after the museum then please get in touch at volunteer@wythall.org.uk