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Wythall miniature railway

Transport Museum Wythall is pleased to include The Wythall Miniature Railway in its list of attractions. This ride-on miniature railway is operated by the Elmdon Model Engineering Society within the museum site, charging a supplement of £2.00 per ride for children of all ages above three and is great fun for all the family.

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The Society

The Society was formed by a group of model engineers in the early 1980's, operating on a site near to Elmdon (Birmingham) airport. Vandalism on the site forced its closure and with a move to the Birmingham Railway Museum site at Tyseley, a new track was laid and operation began again. Changes at Tyseley saw unfair demands made on the railway so an offer to be based on the developing site at Wythall was accepted with open arms and the rest is history. It now operates on a fully landscaped site among trees, lawns and a picnic area and includes a tunnel, a viaduct and two stations.

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The railway also offers children's tea/birthday parties, click here for more information

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The railway is dual gauge - 5" and 7.1/4"- but the latter gauge predominates. Locomotives range from scale replicas of full-size mainline steam locomotives to replica narrow gauge and freelance styles all pulling safe and secure 'coaches' for the rides. Operating days and times can be found here: Opening Times and Admission Prices

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